The authors explore the theory of action liberal in cause with traditional principle of criminal law the capacity for responsibity coexist with the action as its cue. 本文以“责任能力与实行行为同时存在”这一传统刑法原则为线索对原因自由行为理论进行探讨。
The management of criminal investigation team, which aims to improve the criminal investigation department combating and preventing criminal activities of criminal capacity. 对刑侦队伍管理的研究,其目的是为了提高刑事侦查部门打击和预防刑事违法犯罪活动方面的能力。
Concluding ability of criminal and criminal penalty, criminal capacity is the qualification to crime and to take criminal responsibility. 刑事责任能力是指通过行为触犯刑法规范并承担刑事责任的资格。
Its person ( s)-in-charge-designate is ( are) under or has ( have) been subjected to criminal penalty of deprivation of political rights, or have no complete civil capacity; and. 拟任负责人正在或者曾经受到剥夺政治权利的刑事处罚,或者不具有完全民事行为能力的;
Where the person concerned in a case, criminal suspects, or defendants die, escape, or lose capacity, the case will not be put in file, or the litigation will be suspended or terminated. 当出现涉案人、犯罪嫌疑人、被告人死亡、逃跑或者丧失诉讼行为能力等情形时,案件将处于不立案、诉讼中止或者终止的状态。
The third part brings exposition to the judicial problems like responsibility of proofs and the special defense against the persons bearing no criminal capacity of responsibility and the transforming crime, expected to push the comprehension and discussion to the legislation. 第三部分就司法实践中经常遇到的特殊防卫的举证责任、对无责任人的特殊防卫和对转化犯的特殊防卫等问题展开论述,以期进一步推动对这一立法的深入理解和探讨。
But in special instances, when expectant probability does not exist or got little, actor's criminal capacity has lost or been weakened. 但在特定情况下,如果行为时无期待可能性,或期待可能性减弱,则行为人的刑事责任能力也相应地丧失或减小。
Criminal Liability capacity has the function of telling right from wrong, kindness from evil, legal form illegal. 刑事责任能力即辨别与选择是非善恶、合法与非法的能力。
Whether a person has his criminal capacity or any judgment on the degree of such a capacity will be represented as an abstract legal judgment, but not concerned with any other factors beyond the subject. 刑事责任能力的有无及其程度的判断,主要是一种抽象的法律判断,而不涉及主体之外的其他因素。
Modern criminal law is an operative norm facing to all members, therefore, the majority of crimes can be implemented by all that have the capacity of criminal responsibility. 现代刑法是面向社会成员的行为规范,因此,刑法中的大多数犯罪,只要具备了刑法所要求的刑事责任能力便可构成。
On the Issues Concerning Criminal Law Capacity 刑法身份诸问题研究
On the Nature of Criminal Capacity 论刑事责任能力的性质
( I) on its position in constitution of crimes: probability of expectation is a constitutive element of criminal capacity in Chinese theory; 期待可能性的理论定位:在我国犯罪构成中期待可能性是刑事责任能力要素;
To stipulate government organs as criminal subject according to our penal code is the consequence of the fact that legislators over-highly evaluate the capacity of legislation and judicature under the direction of positive political concept. 我国刑法典把国家机关规定为犯罪主体,是立法者在积极政治观指导下高估立法能力和司法能力的产物。
The psychological constitution of the criminal police have mainly including: investigative information system, investigative action or capacity system, the view system of enforce the law, adjust or control system of oneself, keen vigilance system, own or daring system. 我国刑警的心理构成主要包括侦查思雄系统、侦查信息系统、侦查行为能力系统、执法观念系统、自我调控系统和自主敢为系统。
Criminal capacity is a concept in the sense of criminal law, and an abstract type of legal analogy. 刑事责任能力是一个刑法意义上的概念,是法律拟制的抽象类型。
The abnormal attitude towards the world and reverse evaluation of the society make them assemble together, gather criminal capacity, challenge the powerful society and have stable influence gradually. 其中的成员集盗、抢、杀等多种犯罪于一身,在畸形的处世态度和对社会的颠倒评价中类聚一起,聚集犯罪能量,向强大的社会挑战。
The criminal information retrieval can not only increase the scien-tech contents, which strengthens the efficiency and capacity of the investigation organs thus reducing the investigation cost, but also enrich the content and structure of investigation technology. 犯罪信息检索不仅可以增加侦查的科技含量,加强侦查部门的协同作战能力,降低侦查成本,同时也丰富了侦查技术的内容体系。
The author made the conclusion from the above: criminal capacity has no direct relation with whether the behavior is guilty. 由此论述得出结论刑事责任能力与行为是否构成犯罪没有直接联系,它不应当成为犯罪构成的主体要件,只是行为人是否负刑事责任的要件。
The Legal Stipulation and Discretion of Criminal Evidential Capacity 刑事证据能力的法定与裁量
Action libera in causa, refers to acts because of their own sin result in a sense of unclear or act out of control state, and no criminal liability in this capacity or limiting the liability of the state of implementation capacity of the crime Elements of composition. 刑法的原因自由行为,又名自陷行为,是指行为人由于自身罪过致使自己陷于意识不清或行为失控的状态,并且在此无刑事责任能力或限制责任能力的状态下实施了犯罪构成要件。
The fourth is to perfect the criminal law deterrence policies, continuously improve the legal system of prevention capacity. 四要健全刑事法律威慑政策,不断提高法律制度的防范能力。
To be the main criminal law on the crime, it must be both the capacity of a capacity, a capacity penalty. 要成为刑法上的犯罪主体,就必须有两个能力,一个是行为能力,一个是刑罚能力。
Chapter Two points out that the qualification of unit as criminal subject includes the formal elements, namely the validity, the organization and the independency, and the substantive element that is the capacity of criminal responsibility. Then it analyzes the concert content of each formal element. 第二章中,首先提出单位犯罪主体资格由形式要件即合法性、组织性、独立性,以及实质要件即具有刑事责任能力组成的观点,其后对各形式特征的具体内容进行探讨。
Psychiatry is currently in the field of application of the criminal, and criminal cases including some of the responsibilities related to the identification of capability and capacity and related processing measures. 目前司法精神病学在我国刑事领域内的应用,主要包括与刑事案件相关的一些责任能力与行为能力的鉴定及相关处理措施。
I believe that the production and sale of fake medicines subject of the crime can be any person or entity has criminal capacity, does not need statutory special status, medical institutions behavior may constitute the crime of preparation or sale of counterfeit drugs. 笔者认为,生产、销售假药罪的犯罪主体可以是任何具有刑事责任能力的个人或单位,并不需要法定的特殊身份,同时医疗机构有配制或销售假药的行为也可构罪。
The young criminal wants to move towards the society, the power of his social adaptive capacity finally after being released from prison, have determine the degree that he is approved by the society, has determined his self-degree approved too. 少年犯出狱后最终要走向社会,他的社会适应能力之强弱,决定了他被社会认可的程度,也决定了他自我认可的程度。
Investigation right lateral configuration, the objective is conducive to investigating authorities of the specialized division of labor, thereby enhancing the detection of various investigative agencies under the jurisdiction of criminal cases its investigative capacity; but also help define responsibilities. 侦查权的横向配置,客观上有利于侦查机关的专业化分工,从而提高不同侦查机关侦查其所管辖的犯罪案件的侦查能力;同时也有利于明确责任。